About Us

Established in year 1985, S.D.Public Secondary School is located in Urban area of Delhi state/ut of India. In 253-Bhajanpura area of Doeunaided block of North East Delhi district. Area pincode is 110053.
School is providing Secondary level education and is being managed by Private Unaided Organisation.
Medium of instruction is English language and school is Co-educational.
School is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for secondary level.
School is providing Secondary level education and is being managed by Private Unaided Organisation.
Medium of instruction is English language and school is Co-educational.
School is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for secondary level.
A child’s world is a beautiful yet mysterious tapestry made up of a multitude of hopes and aspirations dyed in incandescent colours of thought and deed and their world is very much influenced by the school environment as they spend most of their childhood in school. Thus, schooling has the greatest influence on an individual’s life. It should enable the child to blossom into a well-balanced person, healthy in mind and spirit.

Working Days
Street No.16, B-Block, Bhajanpura,
Delhi, 110053
Phone Number
+91 7290022903